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Bonsai, Kusamono, and Suiseki will be exhibited during ABS Denver 2023.

The bonsai and kusamono exhibit areas will be in the Bill Hosokawa Bonsai Pavilion.

The suiseki exhibit area will be the second-floor lobby of the Freyer-Newman Center.


You are invited to display your bonsai tree or kusamono. See the Tree and Kusamono Registration Forms. Please bring all necessary display items including stands, scrolls, or other pieces needed for your display. Your display is to be brought to the exhibit area between 2:00pm and 6:00pm Thursday June 8th (no sooner than 2:00pm please). All displays will be assigned a number and each owner is to place their display in the corresponding location. Each owner is given time to perform daily preparations (water, misting, etc.) from 7:00am to 8:30am.

Kusamono Exhibit Registration Form

Deadline for submission of entries is May 20th, 2023.
Notification of acceptance will be no later than May 30th, 2023.


Please fill out a separate form for each kusamono, maximum of 2 entries per person. Photos (as you want it presented in the exhibit) of each are required to be accepted into the exhibit. Also include dimensions of height and width.  Owners will set up their kusamono within the designated spot. During the exhibit, each kusamono will be labeled with its information, but the owner will remain anonymous.  All displays are expected to stay in place for the posted duration of the Exhibit.

Contact Information:

Upload Image (as you want it presented)
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